滞在制作中のチェコ出身アーティスト、 Sabina Kafkovaの滞在制作発表「Truly sacred」を開催いたします。

現在Studio Kuraで滞在制作中のチェコ出身アーティスト、 Sabina Kafkovaの滞在制作発表「Truly sacred」を開催いたします。

日時 9月24日(土)、25日(日) 入場料無料 時間11:00~17:00  ※24日14:30時よりアーティストトークを行います。


What is truly sacred in Japan? We all heard about variety of shrines, holy stones, trees and many other. However, I fell like maybe there are things beyond traditional meaning of sacred objects. Let’s think outside of box and look at everyday things that are important to today japanese people. Sometimes they take even more pride in them than in some buddhistic shrine. Forget about values of fundamentalism for second and try to see new value in mundane things that are usually overlooked. Try to see the truly sacred.